Sunday, December 2, 2018

Sloka: Gajananam Bhuta Ganadhi Sevitam.  Lathish

Gajananam Bhuta Ganadhi Sevitam 
Kapittha, Jambu Phalasara Bhaksitam 
Uma Sutam, Shoka Vinasha Karanam
Namami Vigneshwara Pada Pankajam 

(I meditate on)

The Lord who has the face of an Elephant, 
The Lord who is Served by the Celestial attendants of his father Lord Siva and others,
The Lord who eats the Wood Apple (Kapitta - Velakkaya in Telugu Language) and Rose Apple (Jambu - Neredu in Telugu Language) fruits,
The Lord who is the son of Devi Uma (Devi Parvati - the consort of Lord Siva) and who destroys sorrow,
I place my salutations at the feet of Sri. Vighneswara.

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