Monday, December 3, 2018

Sloka: Vinayaka Om Gannaanaam Tvaa

OM! Gannaanaam Tvaa Gana Patim Gum Havamahe
Kavim Kaveenaam Upama Shravas Tamam
Jyestha Rajam Brahmanaam Brahmanaas Pata
Aa Nah Shrunvan Nutibhih Seeda Saadanam
Om Maha Gana Adhipataye Namah

OM! O! The Lord of Ganas, the celestial attendants, Ganapathi! We offer you our religious gifts in yagna the fire ritual,

You are the knowledge of the intelligent and the greatest of the glorious and a poet of poets,

You are the foremost of the rulers, the absolute consciousness and lead us in evolution,

Having listened to our prayers, please come and be seated at the sacred altar where we perform the Vedic rituals.

We pay respect to you, the great lord of Ganas.

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